Old Juniper Stump

To mark the end of 2014.
juniper stumpI wish all of you a wonderful 2015.
I just realized this also marks the end of the 4th year for this blog.  Who knew it would last this long – certainly not me!   I really didn’t know what a blog was when I started.  This is my 576th post.  Thanks to all who have been on this journey with me.

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11 Responses to Old Juniper Stump

  1. Beautiful! And happy new year to you. Your photos are an inspiration to me.

  2. Aspen says:

    A very Happy New Year to you Donna ! I’ve loved seeing all you have learned in your photo playground ! Looking forward to the next year’s batch !

  3. Yvonne says:

    A very Happy and fulfilling new Year to you. keep up the good work.

  4. You’ve beautifully captured the textures and patterns in this stump, Donna. Many blessings for your new year…

  5. John Coleman says:

    You’re on a roll, Donna. (I swear I didn’t realize until this second that my compliment included a lame pun. Not intentional.) Such an inviting photograph. Peace, John

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